Share Fund
To generate income/capital appreciation by investing in equities and equity related instruments of companies in the infrastructure sector. However, there can be no assurance that the investment objective of the scheme will be realized.
Capital appreciation over long term.
• Investing in equities and equity related instruments of companies in theinfrastructure sector
Scheme Class | Equity |
Scheme Category | Equity - Infrastructure |
Expense Ratio | 0.96% |
Min subscription | ₹ 5,000 |
Scheme Type | Open-ended |
Scheme AUM (in Crs.) | ₹ 884 |
AMC AUM (in Crs.) | ₹ 14,583 |
Min Addition Subscription | ₹ 1,000 |
Benchmark Type | S&P BSE 500 India TR INR |
Exit Load | Exit load of 1.0%, if redeemed between (0-1) years. No Exit load, if redeemed after 1 years. |
Fund | Min SIP Inv. | Min Inv. | Returns 3Y |
SBI Infrastructure Fund - Direct Plan | 0 | 0 | 22.64% |
Bank of India Manufacturing and Infrastructure fund - Direct Plan | 1000 | 5000 | 21.23% |
Bandhan Infrastructure Fund - Direct Plan | 1000 | 1000 | 23.65% |
HSBC Infrastructure Fund - Direct Plan | 1000 | 1000 | 21.11% |
Invesco India Infrastructure Fund - Direct Plan | 1000 | 1000 | 22.62% |
Sundaram Infrastructure Advantage Fund - Direct Plan | 0 | 0 | 17.68% |
Company | Holding Type | Asset(%) |
Larsen & Toubro Ltd | Equity | 7 |
NTPC Ltd | Equity | 6 |
Treps | Cash - Repurchase Agreement | 5 |
Reliance Industries Ltd | Equity | 5 |
Power Grid Corp Of India Ltd | Equity | 4 |
Power Finance Corp Ltd | Equity | 3 |
Siemens Ltd | Equity | 3 |
Bharti Airtel Ltd | Equity | 3 |
Hitachi Energy India Ltd Ordinary Shares | Equity | 3 |
State Bank of India | Equity | 3 |
Asset | Percent |
Equity | 96 |
Cash - Repurchase Agreement | 5 |
Cash | 1 |
Sector | Percent |
Industrials | 53 |
Utilities | 10 |
Energy | 8 |
Basic Materials | 7 |
Financial Services | 6 |
Fund Manager
Vishal Mishra
3+ years of experience
Shridatta Bhandwaldar
5+ years of experience
Canara Robeco Asset Management Company Limited,Construction House, 4th Floor,,5 Walchand Hirachand Marg, Ballard Estate,, Mumbai - 400 001